Blockchain in Cloud Storage
In 2015-16 and on the far side, cloud storage will keep going to strengthen itself as an important tool for small and large organizations. This service enables users to store their data online so that they can access it from anywhere through the internet.
Whatever a business deliver, speed always matters. End users want quick, seamless access to content. If your website is slow and takes more time in loading the stuff, a user will not stay. They will not sit with patience as your images and videos load. Users need rapid transactions, smooth access, more intuitive interfaces and assured privacy. Distributed cloud storage serves it all.
As per the recent study generated with more than 800 enterprises’ decision makers and users globally, there are plenty of organizations getting competitive benefits via high cloud storage system adoption and almost doubled. The public cloud services market is predicted to exceed $244 billion in a couple of years.
Distributed Cloud Storage
A distributed cloud storage system is visualized where each single prospect of cloud storage like transporting, processing, data storage, etc. is moving into the Blockchain. With distributed technology, who accessed the data, where it goes, what happened to them, everything can be verified by anyone who has rights for accessibility to the Blockchain.
Basically, the Blockchain is freezing the computing platform in time and cloud users can confirm that the platform is in the proper state in real-time. Such system aids in offering full traceability, accountability as well as transparency for the cloud, and those who are utilizing or managing the cloud.
Traditional cloud storage
Let’s take an example of Google Drive. You are using it to store your personal data on a cloud. When you upload the data, Google store it on one of its data centers. When you want to access that cloud- stored data, your computer send a request to a specific data center. But the data center is not always near to your physical location means it causes delays in delivery which we prefer to avoid.
Usage of huge sized servers also has plenty of challenges. Keep them running continuously is quite expensive. They also need controlled and well-maintained temperature. The technology it comprises is cost high and it needs to be updated on a regular basis.
When it comes to the safety aspect, Google and all other service providers have strict safety procedures; but no matter how suspicious you are, as soon as a human get involved, you are opening the door for human errors.
How a new type of Distributed Cloud storage Work?
Each single user in distributed cloud storage is linked through a P2P network. This network is more safe, 10x quicker as well as 50% less expensive than the traditional centralized cloud storage services. Therefore, distributed cloud storage empowers users to save data in a safe and distributed manner. This is accomplished by utilizing the Blockchain features like transaction ledgers, cryptographic hash functions as well as public or private key encryption.
Data centers are the pool of cloud storage abilities for cloud giants such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, as well as Dropbox. But, these data centers comprises a high price tag for cloud developers, suppliers, and customers. Furthermore, they comprise an even advanced cost for data failures as well as security breaks. From networking tools and physical servers to other structure needs such as electricity, cloud service providers are investing billion dollars in each section just to conserve or raise their offerings.
The blockchain is transforming cloud storage by hitting the user back in managing the data and devices. The distributed feature of blockchain means there are no centralized servers to cooperated, and as there is a usage of client-side encryption, only end users have full accessibility to their un-encrypted files data.
Use of blockchain empowers a few things that were not possible previously.
- As there is a complete decentralization with the blockchain, data is stored on lots of individuals nodes logically distributed worldwide; it is pretty difficult to create significant disturbances.
- There is no need for a third party with the blockchain to control the data. Every node stores encrypted fragments of user data. Users have authority to manage their keys. So they will have complete privacy.
- Blockchain offers high- cost reduction benefit. It costs only $2 per terabyte/month compared to Amazon S3’s $25 per terabyte/month.
Advantages of Distributed cloud Storage over centralized cloud storage
- Peer-To-Peer structure.
- No dedicated servers to store data.
- Need smaller amount of computing power as well as bandwidth.
- Offer data security with encryption of the files during transmission and when stored.
- Great data redundancy.
- Flexible load balancing.
- Permit renting of free space of your hard disk.
- Higher Accessibility and convenience.
- Less costly compared to outdated cloud storage.
- Authenticity.
With these profits, the blockchain storage marketplaces will ultimately replace existing cloud storage infrastructure.
Summing up
The blockchain technology would disrupt the whole cloud computing industry a few years. Everyone whether they are clients, leaders from the industry or blockchain companies have the possibilities to leverage best out of this kind of industry-wide revolution.
However, centralized cloud storage services providers, such as Dropbox as well as Amazon, would see the decrease in their margins. They might even be costly and outdated if they don’t discover different ways to integrate advances of the distributed ledger technology ‘Blockchain’ in cloud storage.