Blockchain in Insurance
Business specialists through plenty of industries are at present dealing with different effects of the blockchain technology. One industry where requiring a decentralized, encrypted, and indisputable ledger of transactions can have a huge influence is ‘Insurance’. Amongst the numerous financial segments, Blockchain technology can transform the insurance industry by systematizing inefficient and traditional insurance methodologies. […]

Blockchain in Retail
Blockchain technology may have a huge influence on the retail industry. There is nothing wrong in claiming that decentralized system is the most dynamic thing and because of it we are perceiving some substantial makeover in a retail business. At its core, the blockchain technology is mainly stimulating for its aptitude to empower better trust, […]

Blockchain in Supply Chain
Supply chain management is all about the physical flow of goods from manufacturers to their end consumers. Management of financial flows within the supply chain industry is very significant as well. Proficiency is a key in supply chain actions. So, supervisors need to be very inventive when searching different ways to enhance the chain continually. […]

Blockchain in Healthcare
Rising demands for healthcare and medical services, draw attention to the need for an information technology system that can get rid of the dependency on a middleman. Blockchain Technology can aid to overcome these challenges as it is a system built on a distributed architecture. This technology does not require multi-level authentication and in addition […]

Blockchain in Finance & Banking
Blockchain technology is disrupting the financial services industry and offers tremendous welfares for banks. Banking sectors were analyzing different ways to share customer details across their company in a safe manner and blockchain distributed ledger technology is a strong nominee. The global finance market is appealing major financial institutions to invest millions of dollars in […]

Blockchain in Real Estate
At present, different transactions in the industry of real estate are non-transparent and expensive as there is an existence of the middlemen such as brokers, inspectors, lawyers, notary public, escrow organizations, and much more. Now, no one wants to be dependent on them or paying them. The blockchain technology has a plethora of usages to […]

Blockchain in Government
The hype of distributed ledger technology keeps growing day by day, and government authorities have started to notice it. Far-reaching acceptance of the blockchain technology remains a long on the road and it is aiding to solve plenty of challenges in the public sector. To build trust, governments strive to be interoperable, distributed as well […]

Blockchain in Travel
The blockchain Technology, a Peer-to-Peer service for Bitcoin and other plenty of digital coins approaching into the enterprise very rapidly. The system is not useful only for the financial transaction purposes but also delivering a secure record keeping for different digital exchanges. This is particularly useful in the travel vertical that is fully loaded with […]

Blockchain in Marketing
Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Ethereum; these are the buzzwords utilizing in each single business nowadays. Every entrepreneur wants to learn about how blockchain technology is disrupting businesses’ marketing strategies. However, there are also many groups having no idea what blockchain can deliver with its incredible power in plenty of other verticals. When it comes to marketing, […]

Blockchain in IoT Industry
Blockchain has a wide range of apps for IoT and smart systems. When it comes to the Internet of Things, a Blockchain Technology paves the way for great innovation. This technology helps IoT device to be independent by recording the ledger of data exchanges between devices, services as well as human users and by allowing […]