Category Archives: Cryptocurrency & FinTech

Digital Transformation – The New Era for Business Simplification
Are you planning to revolutionize your business by leveraging the best out of advanced technologies? Learn how it is optimizing business processes to keep pace with the digital future. Digital transformation is probably one of the haziest terms in the professional world. Many are still struggling to get a clear picture. Is it about keeping […]

Top 10 Blockchain Trends 2021
A decade has already passed since the inception of the evolving blockchain technology. Blockchains are immutable records of data managed and operated by computers. Because of this elite feature, they provide much-needed data security. The colossal surge and demand of blockchain technology help to drive digital transformation. Each industry niche is adopting blockchain to ensure safe and transparent […]

Blockchain in IoT Development – Benefits & Challenges
There was the 1st computer in 1944, 1st mainframe in 1954, 1st minicomputer in 1964, 1st PC in 1974, Macintosh in 1984, the Web with Netscape in 1994, social networks in 2004; and now technology has revolutionized to the Internet of ME with Blockchain of Things – BoT. Internet of Things (IoT) is the next […]

The crucial Role of Crypto Exchanges in Our Economic Future
If you want to purchase any crypto coin except Bitcoin, you need to begin with crypto exchanges. They are the platforms where you can trade digital coins with other coins as well as other fiat currencies. Most of the exchanges operated outside the countries to avoid regulatory oversight and prosecution. As of 2018, regulation of […]

Importance of liquidity strategy in decentralized exchanges
A wave of decentralized exchange projects is in the trend. Each single week a new project has appeared having an aim to offer decentralization with crypto coin trading. Ethereum ecosystem is itself an undertaking powered by a necessity for decentralized, trustless and open modes of operation. Decentralized exchanges, with on-chain settlement through smart contracts, have […]

Features That Make A Complete Exchange Platform
There are more than 1,600 crypto coins circulating in the market nowadays, with a mutual market cap of more than $289 billion, as per the CoinMarketCap data. Stakeholders in each corner of the world are keen to trade in this rapidly rising space. Plenty of digital asset exchange software has developed to come across the […]

AI powered Decentralized Exchange Platform
AI and the Blockchain technology are introducing major shifts in the decentralized exchange platform development. Every coming technology comprises its own technicalities as well as business implications. But the combination of two technologies can reshape the whole technological standards from scratch. The same happens with AI & blockchain. These both technologies are challenging as well […]