Mike Dubke, Communication Director of WhiteHouse Resigns
WhiteHouse, The communication director of Donald Trump has resigned from his duty. Mike Dubke was appointed by the president just three months ago. Previously he had assisted to found crossroads Media, a republican media services firm.
WhiteHouse, Mike has tendered his resignation letter on 18th of May. It is emerged on Tuesday. He is agreed to stay on with the duty during Trump’s overseas trip. Trump’s trip to the Middle East and Europe would be finished on Saturday. Still there is no clearance about his last date of work.
A qualified republican strategist Mr. Mike Dubke was hired in March to refurbish the White House media strategy. Dubke was responsible with serving to shape the president’s message. It’s a procedure Trump became more and more irritated with in recent weeks.
Mike Dubke’s resignation may be a prospect to refurbish Trump’s communication team. The team has often come under criticism throughout early months of president’s term.
In an interview on Fox News on Tuesday, Conway said “Dubke made very clear that he would see through the president’s international trip, and come to work every day and work hard even through that trip because there was much to do here back at the White House.”
On Fox News, Kellyanne Conway confirms communications director Mike Dubke out: “He has expressed his desire to leave the White House.” — Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) May 30, 2017
In his note to colleagues, Mr. Mike Dubke said the reasons for his resignation are personal.
“But it has been my great honor to serve President Trump and his admin. It has also been my distinct pleasure to work side by side, day by day, with the staff of the communications and press depts. This WhiteHouse is filled with some of the finest and hardest working men and women in the American government,” he wrote.
Dubke’s hiring helped to ease the load on whitehouse press secretary Sean Spicer. He also served as communication director before the hiring of Dubke.
Source: http://www.fadooseo.com/blog/mike-dubke-communication-director-whitehouse-resigns/