Mostly Asked Top 10 Mobile App Development Questions and Answers

In today’s era, most people use their mobile devices to manage their business. Shifting to mobile is one of the smart ways to reach out to a targeted market. 

Nowadays, each business finds mobile apps valuable and is keen to start development by hiring dedicated developers or mobile app development companies. 

But there are some mostly asked questions you must take into account before initiating the mobile app development process. 

|1. Is just having a website is not enough? Or is it necessary to have a mobile app presence?

The answer to this question depends on the type of your business. If you want to offer mobile-friendly content to a wide-ranging audience, then just having a responsive mobile website is enough.

But when it comes to high-functionality, quality, and performance, websites are more likely to disturb the potential users. More website loading time, small-sized product images, poor navigation, network issues, etc., are the reasons users face trouble reaching you. 

Compared to websites, mobile apps are very convenient to use. It helps users to interact and engage with your brand efficiently.

It’s a kind of personalized communication tool for your customers that ultimately helps you to drive customer loyalty. In this ever-changing digital market, it is inevitable to have mobile websites as well as mobile applications. 

|2. What approaches to follow to validate my app idea? 

There are three ways you can use for your mobile app idea validation. 

Feasibility test/Proof of Concept

It is one of the accurate and quickest ways to test the feasibility of your mobile app concept and targeted audience. So you can conclude whether it is conceivable for app development or not.  

Mobile App Prototype 

Prototyping helps you to see how your app will look and functions in a real environment. It requires user research to provide strategic direction to your product. You can test the overall user experience by developing a mobile prototype. 


With MVP, you can identify the core functionalities and value proposition of your mobile app. MVP is the minimal form of your whole project that you can test in the actual market. Developers can easily understand the users and how they will respond to the MVP. So you can easily determine the budget, efforts, and time frame for the overall mobile app development. 

|3. How to make money with mobile apps?

Deciding the appropriate monetization model helps you a lot with mobile app success and making money through apps. You need to develop a monetization strategy before launching your app to the Play Store. Certain monetization models examples are,


Freemium Up-sell

Advertising based

In-app purchases 

Referral Marketing
Physical purchase
Selling Merchandise

Transaction fees
Collecting and selling data 

All the above-mentioned techniques help you make money with apps to earn passive income by launching free apps on the app stores. 

|4. Which platform and OS suit the best for mobile app development?

At a time, you may focus on a particular type of device or OS to leverage the benefits of its native nature. Other times, you can focus on all the main OS and mobile devices for the app development. 

Actually, the decision of which OS suits you the most depends on your business goals, your targeted users, your competition, and various market aspects. 

Each OS has its own strengths and weaknesses. So, it’s vital to analyze all the platforms (Native, Web, and Hybrid) thoroughly before choosing the one. 

|5. How to make a convincing mobile app RFP?

You need to discover enough information and specific insights from the client to build a really strong mobile app RFP

Clarify all these necessary aspects of the development project.

Business issues that the mobile app meant to solve 

Who is going to involve in the project development and their roles

Already existing back-end systems that the mobile app would require an interface.

How the app will fit into the client’s long-term strategy. 

How the app will perform after 5 and 10 years. 

Describe the app background, give short bios about you and your team, break down the process into different units, decide on a budget and future steps, and establish terms and conditions.   

|6. Does outsourcing seem to be the best option for mobile app development?

If you want to take advantage of expertise and experience, if you need to adopt the latest technology, if you want to customize your app as per the latest trends, it is a better option to outsource your mobile app development.

You should outsource if the budget and time frame suits you, and the developers who will work on your project must have enough expertise. 

There are some other reasons as well to outsource your project.

If your app development needs new infrastructure and more investment.

Your internal staff doesn’t have enough expertise. 

Your internal staff is occupied with some other work. 

You do not want to tackle any development risks. 

You are not able to develop a mobile app within a decided time frame.

|7. What is all about agile mobile app development methodology? 

The mobile app development process needs high flexibility and adaptability, and it can be achieved only by following an agile methodology.

The Agile approach is iterative. So changing customer needs can be developed, approved, and modified before completion of the whole project. Each iteration in the agile approach finishes with the end product. All the team members can see the progress of the app development project.  

|8. What to evaluate in a mobile app development team? 

When it comes to evaluation of the app development team, thoroughly assess their portfolio.

It helps you discover their skills, expertise, and abilities to successfully complete the app development task. You can also consider their past delivered projects that help you identify how capable they are.

|9. How to maintain a mobile app after launching it to the app store? 

Once you launch an app, all you have to focus on is adding further features, update release, overall functionality maintenance, bug-fixing, etc. You need to track day-to-day growth that helps you discover improvement areas of your app.  

|10. How much do I need to spend on building a mobile app?

According to GoodFirms, calculating with the required time and average hourly rates ($65), the average mobile app development charges would be, 

Approx $24,830 to $59,150 for simple apps with minimum viable features.

Approx $36,107.5 to $85,150 for complex apps with prominent consumer features.

Approx $59,507.5 to $137,150 for advanced apps with modern features.

Summing Up

To develop a successful app, you need to discover the importance of mobile apps for your business, their design and development, their marketing, and future strategies. It requires sheer dedication and time. 

Mobile apps can be advantageous for businesses as well as customers. That is the reason why almost every business wants to make a presence on mobile apps. It helps them to remain viable in today’s changing digital market. 
