Google to Adopt Apple’s Swift language for Android
Google has strategy to make Apple’s Swift Object-Oriented programming language a ‘first class’ language for the Android App development platform. The publication, citing sources, include that Google does not signify to replace the current first-class language ‘Java’ for Android; not in the beginning at least. Google notices an upside in making use of Apple’s Swift that has become an open-source platform last year.
To put it into the practice, number of things requires falling into place. Google have to effectively recreate the efforts with Java for Swift. If the company is motivated sufficiently, it’s really feasible to do it without compromising its open source standards. Google’s Android OS currently supports Java as its first-class language.
The company is also discussing internally regarding to make Kotlin as a first-class language for Android. Kotlin works with Android studio-Google’s IDE for Android Development. Like Swift, Kotlin is Object-Oriented with an attention on security reasons. Kotlin is a language that works everywhere Java Works as has seamless support for projects that mix it and Java. But sadly, Google’s mindset is that Kotlin is a quite slow when it comes to compilation.
Conceived at Apple as an alternative of objective C, Swift achieve success in rapidly getting attention amongst dedicated developers as an easy-to-write programming language. Swift cannot be copy-pasted for any of the app development platform. So Google need to make Android’s whole standard library prepared for the swift and support the language regarding APIs and SDKs. There are some Android APIs are C++ that Swift cannot bridge currently. Those are needed to be rewritten.
However, as The Next Web adds:
Utilizing Swift for Android is not impossible, though. Late last year, developer Romain Goyet toyed with Swift for Android — and had some success. While that project was completed well ahead of Swift being open source, it nonetheless proved that it can be done.
That project used the Android NDK, which allows other languages to be loosely implemented into Android. With an open source Swift and support from Google, Android apps wouldn’t require that toolkit.
Alongside the Google, facebook and Uber are also considering Swift as a more essential for their operations. At facebook, staff is already functioning with Swift language internally. Changing over to Swift would be a lengthy procedure for Google that could extent number of months or years because of the necessity to revise Android services, Apps as well as APIs. The advantage of Swift is that it can work as a forward-facing language as well as server-side language. Applications and servers can converse to one another flawlessly and it’s beneficial for facebook like application.
Apple or Google, no one has concerned about an official reaction to the whole subject. Any evolution will take time.
Source: http://bit.ly/25bMopn