Tag Archives: Cross-Platform Development

Microsoft To Get Xamarin to Enhance Cross-Platform Development Technology
As the role of mobile devices in the life of individuals is extending like never before, mobile app developers have become a powerful strength for software development. Microsoft is going to take a step further and buys Xamarin – Cross platform development technology, which empowers developers to craft apps for any of the devices. Developers […]

Choose Cross-platform Development: Dig Into The Impressive Welfares Of This Amazing Technique
Corporate sector in each corner of the world are facing the very ordinary question that which platform will be beneficial to go with for mobile app development? There are number of options for Native app development such as Android, iOS, Windows or Blackberry. But what if you found a need to build an app which […]

HTML5 vs. Native vs. Hybrid Mobile App Development: Which Platform is More Economical to Build an App?
Should you construct mobile apps in native code on every single platform? Would it be a good idea for you to assemble them in hybrid code, like HTML5 application development? Set in opposition the pros and cons of developing mobile apps natively or with web-based technologies may appear as a useless activity. The scales measuring every […]

Is It Commendable To Go For Hybrid Mobile App Development?
Hybrid App Development: Frameworks which helps you to reduce redundant activities as well as decrease the development cost to leverage the benefits of technology 100%. A permanent interrogation in mobile App Development is whether it’s more helpful to construct apps that are coded for the native platform or to perform Hybrid Mobile App Development. At the point when […]

Why PhoneGap Is Significant For Mobile App Development?
Mobile apps are significant for any business. If you need to tweak your app for every single local platform, would the expense legitimize the advantages? Answer of this is PhoneGap Application Development. PhoneGap Application Development – Best framework has developed in the application development industry. The expanding interest of other different platforms has made the circumstance for […]