Google’s ‘GO’ Programming Language – Making a Storm in the Development Arena
Getting hands on the very own coding languages is becoming credential for the today’s techies. Programming languages are how individual talk with the computers. If you take a look on the history of different coding languages, many of those were designed for their own authors to get the best out of it.
- Microsoft has its own ‘C#’ programming language
- Apple has its own ‘Swift’ Programming language
- Google has its own ‘Go’ programming language
‘GO’ is similar to C and C++ languages. It’s a compiled programming language which comprises number of features. “GO put together the development speed of working in a dynamic language such as Python with the performance and safety of a compiled language like C or C++. Usually it builds pretty much quickly; even with the large binaries it gets compile in just a few seconds and compiled code runs close to the speed of C” – Google Go team blogged.
Different features supported by Google’s GO enable native mobile app development for major platforms such as iOS, Android and Windows. By interacting with this language, developers will get best experience with the working speed, safety as well as performance criteria. Developers can build native apps for different platforms or create SDK apps from the packages of ‘GO’ language and invoking them into different platforms. ‘GO’ help to keep away from all the loopholes developers were facing with traditional C and C++ languages. You will get advantage of faster time-to-market to get faster results for your investment.
Google released the final and latest version of GO programming language 1.6. This fresh version 1.6 conveys nothing major changes for the programming language itself. However, inputs and progress are to inform, such as compatibility with HTTP / 2 in the package net / http. Some other modifications are also there, as the default by utilizing the Clang compiler on FreeBSD, as an alternative of GCC. Linux on PowerPC as well as compilation of 64-bit helps external linking and cgo. Above and beyond some enhancements on performance (less splits with garbage collection) GO 1.6 is flexible with a larger number of platforms.
The version of ‘GO’ programming language 1.5 was released last year in the August and appears in the gossip because of its support towards cross-platform app development. With just launch of version, it has become very easier for programmers to create cross platform applications by sharing a single code between different platforms. It is very time as well as extra efforts saving in the matter of mobile app development.
Why to make GO language usage?
- Go’s native concurrency features are well suited for the network applications because network apps live and die by concurrency.
- Because of GO’s constant behavior throughout different platforms, it’s very easy to put simple command-line applications that run everywhere.
- Go help you to get results very speedily within least possible time.
- It is a robust programming language outlined for the development of scalable applications.
- GO enables for embedding essential features for mobile app development with extreme ease.
- It is very simple to interact with GO as it is similar to Python programming language.
- Programmers who are familiar with the NODE or JS can effortlessly work with ‘GO’ but need to understand first different features such as co-routines, strict typing, channels and many more.
- Individuals can easily search out for the different standard packages and tools of GO for the development methodology.
- GO also supports go-routines which are light weight threads managed by runtime.
- It has garbage collection.
- By its design, GO offers a way to build system software on multi-core machines.
- Go delivers a model for the construction of software that makes dependency analysis simple than ever before.
- Type system of GO language has no hierarchy; so no wastage of time in defining the relationship between types.
Go has a lot of advantages of JavaScript as a light weight and fun language to play with. Go language is without doubt a superior choice to go for native app development or cross platform mobile app development for the different needs of business. It is one of the most modern as well as well featured languages to perform programming.
Source: http://bit.ly/1SDSJxV