iOS 9.3 Beta 6 – Getting More Polished With iPhone & iPad
The 6th iOS 9.3 beta, build 13E5231a is available now. Apple’s next awaited major update iOS 9.3 appears with the number of WOW features as well as minor tweaks for the iPhone, iPad as well as iPod Touch. Rumors in the market suggest that this could be the last beta release of iOS 9 before the official release date of firmware.
You can easily see in the dark night
The users of iPhone & iPad face irritation when they were operating phones & tablets due to blue light on the display screen. The new biggest feature called as “Night Shift” will change the color temperature of displays. It’s beneficial for your eyes to interact with the warm color at dark night. You can discover this feature in Device Setting- display and brightness. By making this changes you will have relaxed and comfy contact with your iOS device.
Improvements in security of notes
Generally users are habituate to save their confidential data into notes. iOS 9.3 comprises a new feature that enable you to protect your sensitive notes with password or Touch ID. It’s a good way to keep all your confidential stuff secure into your iPhone. You just need to open a particular note which you want to protect, select the share icon & then “Password Protect Note” option.
3D Touch quick action
It’s another feature that helps to get shortcuts of different application. With this feature it very easy and quick to utilize specific app such as stock apps, weather apps and health app. You are able to use frequently operated functionalities on the go. From settings to app store to health and many more , many of the apps either achieved 3D touch shortcuts for the first time or establish new ones in the menu that emerge after pressing an icon on the home screen.
NEWS Improvement with personalized recommendations
News picked up some small addition in the updated version of iOS 9.3. It’ll recommend more and better news you will take interest in. there is a new landscape reading mode as well as fresh swipe gestures to save, share, like-dislike different stories alongside mute and block gestures for channels. It will now on-wards suggest trending topics as well as editor’s pick to give you more personalized experiences. This is minor update but offers better search results.
Able to see the amount of data you utilized
It is a feature that assists users to preserve a solid association by automatically changing to cellular details when a Wi-Fi connection grows week. With the update, Wi-Fi Assist Toggle now displays a data usage figure. It helps users when there is a very poor Wi-Fi connectivity & experience of browsing becomes most horrible. Users are now able to see how much data is utilized with the help of Wi-Fi Assist.
Be more Healthier with health app support
Weight, workouts, as well as sleep can now be accessed with the help of a new slider menu which attaches you to all the connected third-party apps. Furthermore sharing of your health metrics with third-party apps can feasible. The individuals who are health conscious find the health app more helpful as this update will serve more accurate data for fitness and wellness. The health apps are now able to get data from other apps and different sources. It recommends well-suited apps for several categories. It also comprises intuitive charts on the base of data collected from iWatch.
iCloud for iBookssyncronize PDFs
Now onwards you can synchronize different .pdf files and other files which are unsupported previously with iCloud, instead of only books obtained through App store. You will be served with the option to activate this feature when you open iBooks after you update to iOS 9.3.
The CarPlay app now deliver enhanced Apple music feature by accessing your favorite and freshly Curated music through new and For You sections. Enjoy new points such as parking lot, restaurants, ATMs, Petrol stations, etc at a single tap by utilizing the “Nearby” feature on the in-built Maps app.
The Education improvement with multi-user options
Apple will deliver improvements regarding education. Access to the new Classroom App & Apple school manager will facilitate superior features in which teachers can observe growth and direct students utilizing the app. Students can also login to iPad in any classroom by making use of multi-user profile option. Administrators can generate Managed Apple IDs or get apps utilizing the School Manager.
Combination of multiple apple watches
It is good for the iOS App Development services provider who needs to confirm their application on different Apple watch hardware. iOS 9.3 beta version make easy to join up multiple Apple Watches with iPhone. So the individuals who is having two or more Apple Watches will find this feature vey much convenient.
iOS 9.3 is not meant to be a ground-breaking version of iOS. It’s a next step over previous version with fair share of thrilling fresh features.
Source: http://bit.ly/1VmZiv1